ISO 9001
ISO 9001: 2015
Since 1999 our operations have been certified according to the UNI EN ISO 9001 Quality Management System, that has been constantly updated over the years following the new revisions in order to approach the management system we adopt in a more complete way. The standards are applied to the processes of our organization that have an impact on the quality of services, focusing on continuous improvement and the satisfaction of the customers who choose us.


ISO 14001
UNI EN ISO 14001
Our activities are also certified according to the UNI EN ISO 14001 that determines the requirements of the environmental management system to which we have oriented the operations in order to adapt the impact of our organization. We are aware that the construction and the facility management sector have a deep connotation in the context of sustainability, then we have chosen to systematically manage the environmental responsibilities linked to our work.



ISO 45001
UNI EN ISO 45001
Our activities are also certified under UNI EN ISO 45001, which determines the occupational health and safety management systems to which we have oriented ourselves in order to adapt working life within our organization.


We are members of UNI, the Italian National Standards Authority, which studies, elaborates, approves and published voluntary technical standards in all industrial, commercial and tertiary sectors.. UNI is a non-profit private association founded in 1921. It is recognised by the State and the European Union and represents Italy at European (CEN) and World (ISO) organisation level.


We have joined the Green Building Council Italy, the non-profit association set up with the objective of spreading the culture of industry sustainable building. Green Building Council Italy projects seek to provide clear reference parameters to sector operators and improve awareness among institutions of the impact of projects and constructions on the quality of life of citizens.


ASSOBIM is an association founded to ASSOBIM represents the entire BIM technology chain that counts also Contec Engineering among the founding partners. The basic objectives of the association are: to foster the dialogue between all the operators using the BIM methodology (contractors, designers, builders and maintainers, manufacturers and distributors of software and services, public authorities, material producers), contributing to cultural and disciplinary diffusion of Building Information Modeling, highlighting its innovative values, lobbying the regulatory path and strengthening its role within institutional decision-making processes.


Contec Ingegneria è associata a Confindustria Verona, l’organizzazione nazionale rappresentativa delle imprese manifatturiere e di servizi operative nella provincia di Verona.
L’adesione è su base volontaria e riunisce le aziende che si riconoscono nel mercato e nei principi della correttezza.


Contec Ingegneria è certificata GFS Green Facility Specialist. Il marchio GFS Green Facility Specialist certifica competenze strategiche e di gestione di sistemi complessi e multidimensionali all’interno di contesti professionali orientati alla sostenibilità ambientale. GFS agisce in ottica di gestione sostenibile delle facility in termini di persone, tecnologie, attività e procedure. Il marchio è promosso congiuntamente da IFMA | In ternational Facility Mahagment Association (organismo internazionale degli operatori nel settore del Facility Managment) e GBC | Green Building Council (ideatore della certificazione internazinale LEED per la sostenibilità degli edifici).


We are a member of OICE, the association representing Italian engineering, architecture and technical-economic consulting organisations. Set up in 1965, thanks to constant growth in member numbers, OICE today groups all the major Italian engineering companies and most of the more qualified small-medium companies in the sector.


Contec Ingegneria, associata OICE, è membro di FIDIC International Federation of Counsulting Engineers.
I membri di FIDIC sono le associazioni nazionali delle organizzazioni di ingegneria ed i loro membri. Fondata nel 1913, FIDIC ha il compito di promuovere e attuare obiettivi strategici dell’ingegneria per conto dei suoi membri associazioni e per diffondere le informazioni e le risorse di interesse per i suoi membri.
Oggi FIDIC è presente in 97 paese nel mondo.


Contec Ingegneria è associata a IFMA Italia è il capitolo italiano dell’International Facility Management Association, associazione fondata nel 1980 negli Stati Uniti allo scopo di promuovere e sviluppare il Facility  Management, disciplina definita come la strategia di gestione degli immobili strumentali dell’azienda e dei servizi alla base del business, divisi in servizi all’edificio, allo spazio e alle persone. Scopo dell’Associazione è promuovere la disciplina in Italia e contribuire a creare Professionisti in grado di far progredire il settore; persegue questo obiettivo attraverso studi dettagliati del mercato, nonché attività di comunicazione e formazione.


BIS-LAB – Building Innovation & Skills-Lab® è un’emanazione dell’unità di Ingegneria del Gruppo che si propone di sviluppare metodi e pratiche applicative nel campo dei processi costruttivi di tecnologie informatiche, con particolare focus operativo sul BIM. Contec Ingegneria è da sempre impegnata nell’innovazione progettuale e attraverso BIS-LAB® intende approfondire e individuare le possibili direzioni di nuovi approcci metodologici per stimolare l’aggiornamento di ogni fase del building: dal progetto e la costruzione, fino alla survey e gestione.


Contec Ingegneria is associated with ISI. The ISI Association – Italian Earthquake Engineering was born from the need to create an organization that represents the players in the various areas of this sector in Italy.


AGIDI brings together legal professionals who conduct business primarily in the real estate sector in order to promote the integration of skills and specializations of law and guarantee the excellence of consulting and legal services.


Assorestauro, the Italian Association for Architectural, Artistic and Urban Restoration, was established in 2005 to represent the sector of restoration and conservation of heritage both in Italy and abroad. It is the first Italian association of manufacturers of materials, equipment and technology, suppliers of services and specialized companies. It is the reference for anyone willing to start working in the conservation sector in Italy, to be intended as a synthesis of the various disciplines involved, of the professional specialists, of the available technology and of the growing business community. One of its aims is to promote the dialogue among companies, academic world and institutions.
